Public Dynamics: Public speaking skill coaching and presentation skills training in a fun and dynamic format. San Diego public speaking skills training with professional motivational speaker Milo Shapiro. Keynote speeches on public speaking and presentation skills by speaking coach Milo Shapiro via A fun and interactive way to improv your speaking skills with San Diego speech coach Milo Shapiro. Coaching in presentation skills and public speaking skills available. Centrally located to serve downtown, North County, East County, South Bay, La Jolla, Chula Vista, Del Mar, and more. Public speaking help with presentation skills training in a fun and dynamic format. San Diego executive speaking coach Milo Shapiro will make your program more powerful and captivating. The San Diego public speaking coach who will bring out your personal best while giving you solid fundamentals to draw from. Public speaking skills and presentation skills training in a fun and dynamic format. Los Angeles public speaking skills training with professional motivational speaker Milo Shapiro. A fun and interactive way to improv your speaking skills. Coaching in presentation skills and public speaking skills available. Keynote speeches on presentation skills and public speaking by speaking coach Milo Shapiro via Public speaking skills and presentation skills training in a fun and dynamic format. California public speaking skills training with professional motivational speaker Milo Shapiro. A fun and interactive way to improv your speaking skills. Coaching in presentation skills and public speaking skills available. Work on your fear of speaking in public with San Diego speaking coach Milo Shapiro. Get a San Diego speech coach to make you more dynamic, relaxed, and effective. San Diego speaking coach Milo Shapiro eases the fear of speaking with fun exercises and valuable feedback. Work on your stage fright with a speech coach like Milo Shapiro so you'll be confident. Public Dynamics: San Diego speech coach Milo Shapiro eases the fear of speaking with fun exercises and valuable feedback. Public speech and presentation skills training in a fun and dynamic format. San Diego public speech skill training with professional motivational speaker Milo Shapiro. A fun and interactive way to improv your speech skills. Coaching in presentation skills and public speech skills available. Public speech skills and presentation skills training in a fun and dynamic format. San Diego executive speech coach Milo Shapiro will make your program more powerful and captivating. Los Angeles public speech skills training with professional motivational speaker Milo Shapiro. A fun and interactive way to improv your speech skills. Coaching in presentation skills and public speech skills available. Public speech skills and presentation skills training in a fun and dynamic format. California public speech skills training with professional motivational speaker Milo Shapiro. A fun and interactive way to improv your speech skills. Coaching in presentation skills and public speech skills available. Work on your fear of speaking in public with San Diego speech coach Milo Shapiro. Get a San Diego speech coach to make you more dynamic, relaxed, and effective. Work on your stage fright with a speech coach like Milo Shapiro so you'll be confident. Milo Shapiro is also a motivational public speaker with presentations on risk-taking and on public speaking skills.  

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Milo Shapiro  Speaking Coach     


Powerful Communication:  Giving Your Words Impact

From organizing to writing to outstanding delivery,
our coaching / classes result in you presenting powerfully!

For Politicians



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Political Savvy:
Tapping the Power of Improvisation and
Platform Skills to become
"The Candidate Everyone
Likes to Like"




Back in 2000, we all heard Jay Leno's "How stiff is Al Gore?" jokes.
Gore lost the presidency by under 600 votes.  Might Gore have become
our president if he had been just a little more dynamic?

Same goes for John Kerry in 2004.  And across the aisle, how many Republicans were genuinely excited when McCain spoke in '08?

Conversely, in the same party as Gore and Kerry, why were
    even Bill Clinton's opponents swept up by his speeches
    while Hillary's connection is on and off?
How fascinating were the 2012 debates, with two passionate
     well-trained speakers like Barack Obama and Mitt Romney?
Why is the late Steve Jobs almost legendary while most CEO's
    are relatively unknown to the public?
How did Oprah go from welfare to well-off?


Charisma comes from an inner place of freedom and permission.  Improvisation gives us a safe place to develop personal dynamic skills and add them to the tool belt we draw from as we work, speak, and connect with others.  You need that edge.  Ask Al if it matters.

In "Public Dynamics
", those in the public spotlight have a chance to work on all the goals described on the "coaching" page, but with an understanding of the additional difficulties that challenge the campaigner, including:

coming across likeable (amazingly important)

adding LIFE to your message so that people will care and listen

showing concern, even when you know you can't or won't address an issue

working Q&A more effectively

showing respect

using story effectively instead of data

Milo is aware of the sensitivity that politics carries and your guarantee of confidentiality is assured. 






Coaching Praised by:

(Click logos to read comments)

San Diego
Gas & Electric


US Navy's
information dominance systems command for
space and naval
warfare systems


Big Blue
Bus of


Exotic Gardens

(as seen
on QVC)

Int'l Association of Admin. Professionals

Universal Spirit Center
(The Rev. Kevin Bucy)

Also, coaching to other professional speakers like:

Vilis Ozols
Sarita Maybin
Liz Goodgold
Jennifer Sedlock
Kara Sadler
Colette Carlson
Barbara Sanfillippo

See more clients WITH their comments



Contact Page for Speech Coaching


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NOTE:  Public Dynamics is our name for the public speaking division of IMPROVentures, a licensed business in the City of San Diego, California
Copyright documented on website home page