San Diego motivational speaker

 (available nationwide) Milo Shapiro! Dynamic interactive programs: Seeking professional motivation speaker who is fun? Milo Shapiro has keynotes that are interactive using improv and humor that are great for your event or breakout sessions: Your corporate meeting or business convention is more fun with Milo's use of improv: Dynamic motivation speaker applies improvisation to topics like risk, sales, and teamwork for your conference, meeting, or event: Available directly at or by speaker bureau.

 Motivation speaker (keynote speaker) - San Diego and beyond

 - with interaction through improv games. Dynamic, interactive keynote / breakout speaker available directly at or by speakers bureau. Fun and learning in one for your conference: Milo Shapiro for a keynote that is interactive using improvisation and humor; great for your after lunch or dinner speaker, meeting fun, or breakout speaker: Dynamic, interactive speaker using improv available directly at: Seeking professional motivation speakers that are fun?: See! Milo Shapiro has keynotes that are interactive using improv and humor that are great for your event or breakout sessions: See! Your corporate meeting or business convention is more fun with Milo's use of improv: See! Dynamic motivation speaker applies improvisation to topics like risk, sales, and teamwork for your conference, meeting, or event: See! Available directly at or by speaker bureau.  Dynamic, interactive keynote / breakout speaker available directly at or by speakers bureau. Fun and learning in one for your conference: See! Improv entertainment for corporate events with shows or interactive keynotes: See!  Dynamic, interactive speaker using improv available directly at: See!; Convention entertainment in San Diego (or beyond) with improvisation: See!  


Milo Shapiro The Improv Guy!     

Keynote speaker


Public Speaking Coach

Improv Entertainer

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Public Speaking:
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You CAN master the skill of public speaking! Laugh your way through Milo’s clever, tip-loaded “Top 10 Lists”. Conquer any fears as you excel in this important tool for success.

Milo Shapiro blends core speaking fundamentals, lessons learned from his own years as a professional motivational speaker, and relevant exercises from the world of improvisation to make his speeches, coaching, and books more fun than the norm.

With chapters like...

Ten Great Ways to Blow It In Your First Ten Seconds
Ten Neat Things To Talk About If You WANT To Alienate Your Audience
Ten Healing Ways to Deal With The FEAR and Reduce the STRESS
Ten Cool Tricks to Ease The Torture of Memorization

...this book is a fun read, but full of valuable ideas for anyone who needs to be in front of groups for speeches, sales, teaching, and more.

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“Finally, an end to the dry books on the important topic of ‘presentation skills’!  Milo Shapiro uses his wit and wonderful storytelling abilities to make this book a pleasure to read.

"His fun ‘top-ten’ format is brimming with ideas that are helpful and easy to implement, whether you’re someone who wants to be a more effective speaker in work related settings, or if you plan to speak professionally for as an occupation.

"Even seasoned professional speakers will gain insights from the unique perspective of the man who came into this career from a background in both business and improvisation!”

     - Lenora Billings-Harris,
       Past-President of the National Speakers Association


     “Besides being chock-full of information that everyone who speaks needs to hear, Milo Shapiro has a way of making whatever he talks about sound interesting.  He could write two hundred pages on dryer lint and hold my attention.  Have your highlighting pen ready; you’ll be referring back to this book time and again.” 

      —  Lewis Harrison, Past President of the
              National Speakers Association, New York Chapter

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