Milo Shapiro The Improv Guy!     

Are you ready to: 

     speak effectively

         hold listener attention

              find the right words

                  move past the fear and    

                       convey your message...


Then we're ready to help you get there!




Payment for first appointment at $345/460 rate


To pay by Venmo, please don't use the button below; write me about the better way to do that. 


For debit, credit, or Paypal:

First, the drop-down box defaults to "One Person".  If you are doing two-person coaching, correct that.


Then choose either:

   1)  "PayPal Buy Now" to log in and pay through your PayPal account  OR

   2)  "Debit Or Credit Card" to pay with any major card.


If prompted for an "Invoice #", please enter your last name plus the date like this: 



If you see a box for "Ship to Billing Address", just leave it checked (even though nothing is being shipped).  That just keeps it from prompting you to enter a separate shipping address. 

Coaching - Initial Appointment



Thank you and see you soon for your initial consultation!